The brief ownership of the stone building at 40 Mill Street North by the Slater family during the late 1880s was followed by a succession of commercial operations that included a flour and feed mill, a Read more
Located close to the other fine stone buildings in the Mill and Dundas Street area, the massive two-storey stone structure known as the jam factory is the only remaining example connected to the village’s industrial past. The Read more
The Valley Inn Hotel, reputedly built by John Yakes of East Flamborough Township, was a two-storey frame structure with a magnificent verandah running the whole length of the front façade. Two gables were added Read more
The famous sound of cars crossing the Bailey bridge at Valley Inn is no more since the decision was made to close the road to all vehicular traffic in 2009. What was once a key crossroads at Read more
Following the departure of Rev. Higginson, Rev. Thomas McKim came in 1906 and in 1908, Rev. J. Douglas. Again, there was a period of activity during this Read more
Rev. Stewart Houston, who took charge of the parish in 1866, also ministered to the congregations at Lowville and later St. Matthew-on-the-Plains in Aldershot. During his incumbency, more than $900 was raised by subscription to erect a Read more
On February 4, 1847, Frederick Feilde and his wife Elizabeth Gildart Campbell donated the deed for land on the north side of the village of Waterdown to Rev. John Strachan, Lord Bishop of Toronto and his successors. Read more
The Village of Waterdown owes much of its existence, layout, former prosperity and name to a young entrepreneur, Ebenezer Culver Griffin, who visited the area following the end of hostilities from the War of 1812 and saw the potential Read more
The following article appeared in the Hamilton Spectator a few days after the successful celebrations of Queen Victoria’s Birthday in Waterdown in May of 1855.
“Dear Spectator, through the medium of your journal permit me to give a brief Read more
North of 11th Concession Road in East Flamborough Township, the land rises quickly and changes to a landscape of rolling hills and valleys that were carved by a glacier as it cut a gap in the Niagara Read more