Jane Mulkewich is the legal director for UFCW Locals 175 and 633. She studied law at the University of Western Ontario. She has been involved in politics and has worked for the Hamilton Police Services doing anti-racism work and McMaster University doing equity work.
Jane will retell the story of local slave Sophia Pooley. Pooley was taken from her parents in New York and brought to Upper Canada in 1778, then sold to Joseph Brant who later sold her to Samuel Hatt of Ancaster.
This will be held as a hybrid meeting. Join the Zoom meeting through this link. No pre-registration is required.
At each of our meetings there is a brief period allotted to the business of the Society, followed by a speaker, or presentation on some aspect of local history or heritage. Afterward there are refreshments and conversation which play an important part in keeping alive the Community spirit. We hope to see you there!
Featured image sourced from the Archives of Ontario, Reference Code: F 2076-16-4-5.